Deutsche Version: Richtlinien für die Ernennung zum qualifiziert fortgebildeten Spezialisten für Prothetik der DGPro
§ 1 Basis
A "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro" has qualified for dental prosthesis in a special manner, the prerequisite for accreditation is the successful completion of the program described here or a second doctorate or a chair in the field of Dental Prosthetics at a German university. A specialised committee makes the decision regarding the accreditation of an equivalent qualification attained in a foreign country (§4).
§ 2 Admission conditions
Applicants must fulfil the following requirements:
- Proof of at least three years of training after the state examination at a training centre accredited by the DGPro (see § 7).
- Presentation of complete documentation regarding restorative treatment of 8 patients. The documents are presented by the specialised committee selected by the members' meeting. The guidelines for the scope of case documentation for the application to become a "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro" are stipulated in § 10.
- Seminar on the case documentation submitted to the specialised committee. It is held in two parts with the documented cases being discussed in the first part, In the second part the applicant is asked to give a response to questions from the overall field of dental prosthesis and from the related field, As a rule the seminar lasts no longer than 60 minutes.
- Presentation of 2 scientific publications from the field of dental prosthesis and its related fields, One of these may be written as an overview assignment. The applicant must be the primary author of at least one of the two works (exclusive dissertation). The publications must be published in Journals that are subject to an expert assessment procedure.
§ 3 Application
An applicant for the additional title of "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro" must be a member of the DGPro. The application documents together with the curriculum vitae and the documents mentioned in § 2 must be submitted to the Executive Board of the DGPro at the latest 6 months before the ordinary general meeting. After evaluation and acceptance of the submitted documents by the specialised committee, it invites the applicant to the seminar. Upon application by the specialised committee, the Executive Board of the DGPro can subsequently appoint the applicant as a "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro".
The applicant shall pay the costs of the proceedings. The amount of costs shall be set annually by the Executive Board of the DGPro depending on the expenses and the applicant shall be informed of these upon request. The specialisation is connected with membership of the DGPro and it expires when the person leaves the DGPro.
§ 4 Specialised committee
The Executive Board determines the composition of 2 specialised committees (in each case six members and one chairperson). The chairperson and the members are specialists in Prosthesis of the DGPro. The members of the specialised committee are selected for three years like the chairperson, with one term of re-election possible.
At least the chairperson and four members of the specialised committee must be present at the seminar. A record must be kept.
§ 5 Structured training after the state examination
- Training goals:
The "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro" must- have sound theoretical knowledge and clinical experience in dental prosthetics
- know the specialisation-specific literature and be able to impart his or her specialised knowledge
- Fundamentals:
Acquisition of sound and extensive knowledge of clinical matters and practice in the field of dental prosthesis as well as critical evaluation of special technical literature. In the training centres there should be a plan regarding the necessary classes (seminars, courses etc.) and the applicant should keep a record book. The proof that must be furnished can be compiled in various places and institutions (also in foreign countries).- Subject catalogue (not complete):
- anatomy and physiology of the orofacial System
- aetiology, pathogenesis and epidemiology of dental defects and tooth loss
- aetiology, pathogenesis and epidemiology of parodontopathia
- aetiology, pathogenesis and epidemiology of craniomandibular function disorders
- aetiology, pathogenesis and epidemiology of diseases of the mucous membranes and adjoining structures
- incompatibility reactions, allergies
- diagnostic and prognostic procedures
- prosthetic diagnosis
- registration technique and articulators
- materials and dental technology
- biomaterials
- planning strategies
- pre-prosthetic measures
- function diagnosis and therapy
- implantology
- firmly embedded dental prosthesis
- partial prostheses
- combined firmly embedded removable dental prosthesis
- perioprosthesis
- total prostheses
- geroprosthesis
- prosthetic occlusion therapy
- brace technology
- prosthetic care of patients with jaw and facial defects
- after-care
- adaptation disorders and complications
- expert reporting
- accounting
- Subject catalogue (not complete):
- Clinical matters
The focus of the curriculum is on clinical training so that the candidate attains competence- to make diagnoses with patient history and collection of findings and to formulate overall treatment plans.
- to implement these and to critically evaluate the results.
- to acquire long-term experience through re-evaluation and further care of patients whom he or she has previously healed.
- The completed and documented cases must display the spectrum of dental prosthesis,
- Research
The candidate should be given the opportunity to do research. He must have published at least two original works (see § 2d). - Classes
During his training program the candidate shall gain teaching experience, - Attendance at further education seminars
This should be facilitated for the candidate at the discretion of the training program director. In particular the classes of the DGPro should be considered, - Exchange programs or visits to other training centres are desirable.
§ 6 Director of the training program
The program director of further education after the state examination
- must be in a position academically and from the point of view of time to assume the teaching responsibility mentioned in § 5.
- guarantees that classes are held regularly.
- confirms in writing at the end of the training the theoretical and clinical competence of the applicant
- promotes the research work of the candidate and the publication of the results.
- is a specialist practitioner teaching at university level in dental prosthesis.
- is a specialist in prosthesis of the DGPro and a member of the association.
§ 7 Training centres
The 3 years of training can be completed at training centres which have available a program director who fulfils the requirements of § 6 so that a training program is ensured in accordance with the standards of § 5.
Considered as such training centres are the departments of pre-clinical dentistry and dental prosthesis of the universities of Germany which have the responsibility to teach this specialised field at university Ievel. In addition the Executive Board of the DGPro can recognise - by a simple majority of votes - the training centres in which the program director fulfils the Standards mentioned.
Structured training programs in foreign countries are the equivalent of those in Germany if training was successfully completed after a period of at least 24 months. In this case the third year of training should be completed at a German training centre with a structured program and accredited training director. In individual cases the specialised committee makes the decision.
§ 8 Duration of the additional title "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro"
The additional title "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro" shall expire if the conditions for obtaining the qualification are not fulfilled. The fulfilment of the conditions for maintaining the membership "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro" (see §) is monitored in each case after 4 years by the Executive Board of the DGPro or by an authorised representative of the Executive Board.
§ 9 Conditions for obtaining the additional title of "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro"
- A "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro" obligates himself or herself
- within 4 years to attend at least 2 annual Conferences of the association, The Executive Board of the DGPro shall monitor this. In the case of a colleague working in a foreign country, an exception to this can be made if the relevant grounds are presented to the Executive Board.
- within 4 years in Germany or in a foreign country to attend at least three further education courses in dental prosthesis or its related fields, The annual Conferences of the DGPro do not count in this regard.
- within the scope of his or her opportunities to participate actively in the further education classes and scientific specialised conferences in the form of lectures and demonstrations in the field of dental prosthesis
- University Professors in the subject Dental Prosthetics shall after being awarded emeritus Status and after they retire remain "Specialists in Prosthetics of the DGPro" for life without the conditions listed under § 9.1 - c.
§ 10 Guidelines for case documentation
- The case documentation required under § 2 shall comprise the following spectrum of patients:
- The case reports must document the patient history, findings, diagnosis, planning and treatment of extensive cases.
- Documentation of patients treated with enossal implants is desirable. Knowledge within the scope of the pre-implantological diagnosis as well as of the planning and Implementation of implantological prosthetic rehabilitation is required.
- In at least two of the eight cases, the documentation should show post-therapeutic care of at least l year for the case documentation, slides or colour prints and X-ray photos must be presented.
- The documentation must contain the following documents:
- The general practice patient history
risk factors and the significance of resistance factors - in connection with the diagnosis and treatment plan - must be evaluated. - Dental patient history
The expectation and the attitude of the patient towards his masticatory organ and an expensive treatment must be assessed as well as his or her ability to adapt. - Medical and dental findings
Aside from the evaluation of the systemic correlations where applicable, the most important dental findings, particularly parodontal Parameters e. g. bleeding upon probing, probing depths, attachment loss and free lying furcations must be collected and documented. Furthermore the mucosa of toothless segments of jaw, the other mucous membranes and mouth hygiene must be assessed, The clinical function status of the DGZMK must be recorded fully. - X-ray findings
The full X-ray Status must be available, it should be recorded according to the long tube technique. In exceptional cases, orthopantomograms are also accepted. The quality of the photographs is evaluated. All the X-ray findings of diagnostic significance must be described. - Photographic Status
The following must be photographed: with a closed row of teeth - the front, left side, right side; with an open mouth - the occlusion surfaces in the upper jaw and lower jaw, detailed photographs of special findings and photographs taken during treatment are desirable. - Models
The candidate must present study models mounted in the partly adjusted articulator before the commencement of treatment, working models and models after the conclusion of treatment. - Diagnosis
It should be both general and denture and teeth-related. - Aetiology
The causes of the disease must be explained and the factors influencing the course of therapy and the prognosis must be evaluated. - Treatment plan
On the basis of the aetiology, the findings and the diagnosis, the treatment plan must be described in detail. - Prognosis
It should be related both in a general sense and to the individual tooth. Here all the teeth are to be categorised into teeth worthy of being retained, doubtful teeth or teeth not worthy of being kept. - Course of treatment
Detailed descriptions of the treatments carried out. The re-evaluation of the case, one month after the initial treatment (hygiene phase) should be documented by means of interim findings. - Final findings
For the final findings the same documents must be compiled as for the initial findings. The success of the treatment (or failure) and the further care must be discussed in an epicrisis. - Post-therapeutic findings
In at least two cases (see § 104) the late findings should be documented after a year.
- The general practice patient history
§ 11 Guideline amendment
The guidelines for accreditation as a "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro" can be amended through a simple majority of the member's meeting.
§ 12 Coming into effect
These guidelines shall come into effect after they are approved by the 1st chairperson and the 2nd chairperson at the ordinary general meeting.
Transitional conditions for accreditation as a "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro"
For dentists who have already set up practice and who cannot fulfil the conditions of Articles 1, 2 and 5, the following transitional conditions shall apply for 4 years from 01.01.1997 onwards:
- Proof of self-employment of at least 6-years' duration as a dentist with an emphasis on dental prosthesis
- If available, proof of postgraduate training in dental prosthesis at a university hospital in Germany and in a foreign country.
- Proof of attendance at further education seminars and scientific congresses in the last 6 years,
- All the articles listed in the regulations for accreditation as a "Specialist in Prosthetics of the DGPro" shall also apply. In individual cases, the specialised committee shall make the decision. 1st chairperson, 2nd chairperson